Insurance Corporation of the Channel Islands Limited

Insurance Permit Holder

Registered OfficeP O Box 160, No 1 The Plaza, Admiral Park, St Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 4EY
Country of IncorporationGuernsey
Firm StatusLicenced
Date Authorisation/Registration CeasedN/A
Licence NumberPI0033
Closed To New Business?No
Insurance ManagerNone
Classes/Categories Of Regulated Activity Date From Date To Status
General Business - Class 3 - Marine, aviation and transport 24 March 1999 N/A Active
General Business - Class 4 - Property, excluding contracts within classes 3 or 5 24 March 1999 N/A Active
General Business - Class 5 - Motor 24 March 1999 N/A Active
General Business - Class 6 - Pecuniary loss 24 March 1999 N/A Active
General Business - Class 7 - Liability other than contracts within classes 3 or 5 24 March 1999 N/A Active
General Business - Class 8 - Credit and suretyship 24 March 1999 N/A Active
General Business - Class 9 - Personal miscellaneous, including accident, health and disability 24 March 1999 N/A Active
Reinsurance - Class 11 - Reinsurance of contracts within classes 3 to 9 24 March 1999 N/A Active