108 result(s) for:


Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that licenceholder information contained within our web-site is accurate and up to date, we cannot accept responsibility for errors made.

The type of licence is stated on this website. However, licences may be subject to conditions. Details of such conditions, if any, are accessible via the register.

Business Type

Name Trading/Business Name Business Type
Tsogosure Insurance Company Limited Authorised Insurer
Unimutual Insurance Company Limited Authorised Insurer
Utmost International Isle of Man Limited Utmost International, Utmost Wealth Solutions Authorised Insurer
Vitality International Health Insurance Company Limited Authorised Insurer
White Rock Insurance PCC (Isle of Man) Limited Authorised Insurer
Windsor Insurance Company Limited Authorised Insurer
Woodstock Insurance Company Limited Authorised Insurer
Zurich International Life Limited Eagle Star International Life, Zurich Integrated Benefits, Zurich International Life Authorised Insurer