Manx State of the Nation Q&A 2025
The Isle of Man Financial Services Authority delivered a presentation at this year’s Manx State of the Nation Conference organised by the Alliance of Isle of Man Compliance Professionals (AICP).
Bettina Roth, Chief Executive Officer, set out the Authority’s priority workstreams and emphasised the need for collaboration to maintain the Island’s reputation as a well-regulated international finance centre.
Ashley Whyte, Head of AML/CFT Supervision, provided an update on the Island’s National Risk Assessment and preparations for the MONEYVAL evaluation in 2026, while Matt Touzel, Head of Enforcement, highlighted a range of key issues regarding the Authority’s approach to remediation and enforcement.
Following the presentation, the Authority’s officers took part in a question-and-answer panel session to respond to enquiries from members of the audience.
As there was insufficient time to answer to all the questions that were submitted on the day, a Q&A document has been published on the Authority’s website covering the main themes and topics raised.