The Isle of Man Financial Services Authority Annual Report 2019/20

We are in unprecedented times as the world works to address the issues caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The pictoral theme of our report – Built on Solid Foundations – is a reminder that the Island has a long history of resilience and adaptability which is embodied in the national motto “Quocunque Jeceris Stabit", which translates as "Whichever way you throw it, it will stand".

This year we are looking at new ways of communicating. Watch Chair Lillian Boyle and CEO Karen Badgerow’s video launch of the Annual Report below, to:

  • Find out what has been achieved and how staff have approached the challenge of remaining effective during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Learn about the Authority’s new communication themes and our ongoing commitment to transparency
  • Hear about key projects delivered and  priorities for the coming year

We recommend that all of our stakeholders take the time to read our Annual Report 2019/20 which can be found here.