Anglo Irish Bank Corporation (International) PLC (“Anglo Irish International”)

On 24 February 2011 the Irish Minister for Finance, acting under powers granted by the Irish Credit Institutions (Stabilisation) Act 2010, and with the consent of the Board of Anglo Irish Bank Corporation Limited (”Anglo Irish”) and all other relevant parties, announced the immediate transfer of the majority of Anglo Irish’s Irish and UK deposits to Allied Irish Banks p.l.c. (“AIB”).

As a result of this the ownership of Anglo Irish International has transferred from Anglo Irish to AIB by way of share sale, with the consent of the Isle of Man Financial Supervision Commission. AIB is registered in Ireland and is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. AIB itself already has a deposit taking presence in the Isle of Man through a branch of its wholly owned subsidiary AIB Bank (CI) Limited, which is incorporated in Jersey.

If you are a customer of Anglo Irish International the transfer of ownership has no immediate impact on your account(s) and you will be able to operate your account with Anglo Irish International as normal.

Anglo Irish International will be writing to all of its customers and further information for customers of Anglo Irish International is available on the bank’s website Any questions you have regarding your account should be directed to Anglo Irish International.

For further information contact:

Andrew Kermode, Senior Manager: +44 (0)1624 689320

David Clucas, Manager: +44 (0)1624 689316