FSC Public Warning - F.S.C Zurich International Bank

This notice is issued by the Financial Supervision Commission (“the Commission”) in accordance with the powers conferred upon it under Section 30 of the Financial Services Act 2008.


Zurich International Bank

Mr Jean Collins

Microsoft National Lottery

The Financial Supervision Commission has become aware of emails sent to members of the public purporting to represent Zurich International Bank as an affiliate of the Microsoft National Lottery. These messages indicate that a winning sum of £1,000 is available upon the production of copies of certain identity documents namely passport or driving licence.

The emails are signed off by a Mr Jean Collins claiming to be Director, International Remittance Department and originate from the email address, account@zurichb-nk.co.cc.

Zurich Bank International Limited is a genuine company incorporated within the jurisdiction of the Isle of Man.

The above mentioned entities are not linked in any way to the genuine Zurich Bank International Limited. Details of the genuine Zurich Bank International Limited can be found at their website at:


The Commission has established no association between the above entities and any genuine Isle of Man companies.

The Commission has established no genuine links between the above entities and the Isle of Man.

There is also strong evidence to suggest that the Microsoft National Lottery is a fraudulent enterprise.

Under the circumstances, the Commission would strongly urge persons considering dealing with these potentially fraudulent entities to exercise the greatest possible caution before proceeding, bearing in mind the contents of this public notice.

Under the circumstances the Commission feels that the approach that was made to the potential victim was to tempt the recipient into becoming the victim of an Advanced Fee Fraud – see explanatory notice issued by the Commission at:



Is an attempt at gaining personal data from the recipient in order to steal their identity – see explanatory notice issued by the Commission at:


Also see information issued by the Isle of Man Office of the Data Protection Supervisor at:


Any persons who are already involved in any dealings with the above entities and have concerns should contact the Enforcement Division on +44 1624 689311 or by e-mail to fsc@gov.im.

Any persons who have paid funds to the above entities should contact their local Police Fraud Unit without delay.

FSC Reference: NDR/03/2011