Mid-Asia Finance & Security

This notice is issued by the Financial Supervision Commission (“the Commission”) in accordance with the powers conferred upon it under Section 30 of the Financial Services Act 2008.


Mid-Asia Finance & Security

The Commission has recently become aware of the above website which purports to represent the above entity.

The Commission wishes to draw attention to the following observations:

Information contained within the Profile Section of the above website contains incorrect and misleading information in so much as it does not relate to the above mentioned company.

The majority of the information is a straight lift from the website of the Isle of Man Financial Supervision Commission.

The Commission has no links or affinity to the company Mid-Asia Finance & Security and no permission has been or would ever be given to use the staff of the Commissions personal details on a website of an unrelated entity.

Under the circumstances, the Commission feels that these personal details are being used as an attempt at legitimising the website with the intention of obtaining personal details from the recipient in order to steal their identity or induce them into potentially suspicious business dealings – see explanatory notice issued by the Commission at:


Also see information issued by the Isle of Man Office of the Data Protection Supervisor at:


Under the circumstances, the Commission would strongly urge persons considering dealing with this entity to exercise the greatest possible caution before proceeding, bearing in mind the contents of this public notice.

Any persons who are already involved in any dealings resulting from the bogus website and have concerns should contact the Enforcement Division on +44 1624 689311 or by email to fsc@gov.im.

Any persons who have paid out funds in relation to the bogus website or who have provided personal financial details in relation to the bogus website should consider contacting their local police fraud unit without delay.

FSC reference: NDR/005/2010