Century Trust and Finance/CFT/Vivian Wiseneck

This notice is issued by the Financial Supervision Commission (“the Commission”) in accordance with the powers conferred upon it under Section 30 of the Financial Services Act 2008.

Century Trust and Finance
Vivian Wiseneck

The Commission has recently become aware of correspondence which purportedly has been sent by a Vivian Wiseneck, who claims to be “Foriegn Account Officer” (sic) of “Century Trust and Finance, Isle of Man, British Isles, UK”. (sic)

In the correspondence seen by the Commission it states “…you are hereby authorized to proceed with arrangements for the immediate settlement of your entitlements via Secure Wire International Funds Transfer (S.W.I.F.T.) into your nominated bank account… …your account is now created with this institution and you are requested as a matter of urgency to defray any amount not less than the following sum of GBP120.00 (One Hundred and Twenty British Pounds only) to the Foreign Exchange department, as your account activation/Initial deposit…” (sic). The name given in the correspondence as their “money transfer receiver” is a James Coleman.

The Commission wishes to draw attention to the following observations regarding the aforementioned correspondence:

Century Trust and Finance is not a company incorporated within the jurisdiction of the Isle of Man. It is not registered as a foreign company having established a place of business on the Isle of Man. It is not registered as a business name on the Isle of Man.

The above entity is not licensed by the Commission to undertake any regulated activities in, on or from the Isle of Man.

A list of all institutions licensed by the Commission is available on our website at www.fsc.gov.im .

The Commission has established no association between this entity and any genuine Isle of Man companies. T

he Commission has established no genuine links between this entity and the Isle of Man.

The correspondence seen by the Commission gives a telephone and fax numbers to contact the above entity, these numbers do not relate to lines on the Isle of Man.

Under the circumstances the Financial Supervision Commission feels that this correspondence is being issued to tempt the recipient into becoming the victim of an Advance Fee Fraud – see explanatory notice issued by the Commission at:



Is an attempt at gaining personal data from the recipient in order to steal their identity – see explanatory notice issued by the Commission at:


Also see information issued by the Isle of Man Office of the Data Protection Supervisor at:


Under the circumstances, the Commission would strongly urge that persons in receipt of correspondence similar to the above description, purporting to have been sent by the above individual or entity, exercise the greatest possible caution before proceeding, bearing in mind the contents of this public notice.

Any persons who are already involved in any dealings resulting from correspondence matching the above description and who have concerns should contact the Enforcement Division on +44 1624 689314 or by email to fsc@gov.im.

Any persons who have paid funds to, or disclosed personal financial details in relation to correspondence matching the above description should consider contacting their local Police Fraud Unit without delay.

FSC Reference: CD/03/2009